Monday, December 29, 2014

Mobius Dick - Eric Hovind froths his coffee.

Call me, Starbuck. Some days ago- never mind how long precisely- having little money in my purse - I ordered a cappuccino, while my name is Eric I asked them to call me "Jesus is lord", that way I can force my religious agenda on the innocent Taco Bell worker.

Mad creationist Eric Hovind is at it again. This time frothing at the mouth even before he gets his lips coated in  delicious chocolate sprinkled milk froth. This revolts me to my core, I'm still digesting this. Something about making others say and think what Hovind wants them to think . Obnoxious, making others do his proselytizing for him. Preach in a church all you want, go ahead, you have my atheistic blessing. Do not preach in somebody else's food and coffee shop. Never, ever cajole, force other people to speak for you.  Bad enough forcing others to listen to you, Eric, but making them preach for you? Distasteful in the extreme.

Is this temporary  metaphorical cloning ? Taking apparent control of another's mind even if for a little while , reeks of what Kant emphatically disapproved of. Making another person a means to your end . In a word ... Dehumanizing.

"Now small fowls flew screaming over the yet yawning gulf; a sullen white surf beat against its steep sides; then all collapsed, and the great shroud of the sea rolled on as it rolled five thousand years ago". ( from Moby Dick last sentence) . Ironically Melville , or at least Ishmael in the book were also creationists yet not of the obnoxious variety. This mobius dick loops back on itself, keeps coming back with new iterations of stupid.

Thanks to Hemant Mehta aka "Bob" at the coffee shop.

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